Paraprogramming Dispatches

New in CL-JPEG

Eugene Zaikonnikov

In course of last few months there were numerous small changes introduced to CL-JPEG. None substantial enough to warrant own announcement, but taken together perhaps it’s due for an update. So here we go, as of version 2.6:

  • Pre-allocated buffers in DECODE-IMAGE and DECODE-STREAM are now supported. This should help reduce consing in bulk-processing applications. The buffer can be pre-allocated based on dimensions via JPEG:ALLOCATE-BUFFER.
  • CMYK JPEG support. YCCK to CMYK conversion is now performed by decoder. To convert into 3-component RGB, use JPEG:CONVERT-CMYK-TO-RGB convenience function.
  • An option to disable colorspace conversion via :COLORSPACE-CONVERSION NIL supplied to decode functions has been added. Can be useful e.g. if one needs the luminance component. Support of the corresponding option for encoder to improve performance in transcoding applications is in the plans.
  • Small bugfixes and performance tweaks.